Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ashes of Hemna

The Ashes of Hemna is a mercenary guild that has its roots in ancient kayeni history. All its members have the distinctive coal-black tattoo blanketing their face (upon which their tribal tattoos are typically overlaid), and shockingly bright hair colors. Because of this, they earned the rather derogatory nickname "cinderheads". Most of the Ashes of Hemna are simply guns for hire these days, rather than anything resembling the revered assassins of old.

Ifgrid and Py are two such members of the Ashes: simply bounty hunters and fortune seekers.

Animus Yonder

And here's a teaser for the comic.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Portal

This is me shooting myself in the foot. I'm really happy with the way this concept turned out, but I'm going to resent myself for setting the bar this high for all my future space-chitecture. Anyway, this this is the earth-side "folding" gate that bridges to the space station Nexus.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ataraxi - Concepting

Finally got some good concepting time in on the ataraxi. The sketch of Nolnevus on the right is pretty much the final design for the ataraxi. Then ended up looking a little more draconic than I'd originally envisioned, but I like the direction they took.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Been playing around with some ideas for one of Nexus' protagonists/antiheroes, Voren. This is the closest I've come to settling on a design I like.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Jordan initiating operational procedure "bring the noise".

Or maybe he's just really serious about prancing.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Blah. Just some real rough sketches tonight. The creature featured on the left is a member of the species oratos (ohr-AY-tahss). These guys have mutated a good deal since my original design. They were originally intended to be a sort of elegant, haughty bipedal race. They were supposed to sort of resemble the Kamino cloners from Star Wars, Episode II. However, as I developed the plot, the look just didn't fit, and all my races were sort of becoming a little too similar in appearance, which would have just been boring and confusing. So, I've been retooling appearances, and I decided to push the oratos toward something a little freakier looking. I picture these guys moving/behaving a lot like the Geth creepers from Mass Effect.

The smug looking guy on the right is Wolfgang, one of the protagonists from Nexus, and a loveably arrogant smartass.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rise and Shine

Just another random sketch of Tessida for your enjoyment. I must've yawned 20-30 times while sketching this thing. Damn mimetics.