Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Telaz Kingstar

It's no secret that I love tieflings, ever since I first stumbled across their monster entry in the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Apendix. Since second edition, they have evolved into one of the standard player races in 4th edition, although I can't say I care too much for the direction their art style has taken. Regardless, Telaz Kingstar here is at tiefling NPC in my campaign, a performer and merchant.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Daggermouth and Sil Elathrohan

Two more sketches since last night. I haven't felt this motivated in a very long time. Always a good feeling. The first is Daggermouth, a volcanic island in my DnD campaign, the second is Sil Elathrohan, an elven npc for my campaign. I based her off the Swedish supermodel Mini Anden.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Janessa Dawnstriker and Dominion Soldier

More NPCs for my DnD campaign. Janessa Dawnstriker, legendary eladrin heroine, and a Kaldarin Dominion footsoldier.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kalan Boatfist and Map

Well, daily sketches at work have kind of become... less daily. However, here are a couple items for my DnD campaign.

Kalan Boatfist, of the Ironcove Boatfist clan. Merchant extraordinaire and self-proclaimed king of the four High Seas of Tyrn.

Also, below is Tyrn, the world in which my DnD campaign exists.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Daily Sketches"

Had a very weird week. Only got one daily sketch in. Should have more next week.
Keywords: Conflict with a god, steampunk, frog


This is a creature for my DnD game. Ever since I learned I had a kind of mild trypophobia, I've been adding a lot more asymmetrical eyes and gaping pores to things.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lunch Break Sketches

So recently, some coworkers and I have started doing thirty minute sketches on our lunch break. A topic is chosen using the Distraction Beast site. Three keywords are generated and we go from there. Here are some of the results from the past week or so:
Keywords: Renaissance, Freighter, Abduction

Keywords: Conviction, Voodoo, Samurai

Keywords: Wild West, Alien, Odd Couple

Keywords: Warning, Tim Burton-ish, Warehouse

Keywords: Disaster, Undead, Windmill